Financing Solutions

Purchase Order

Go into high gear.
CAE Capital helps you acquire
the means of your ambitions!

To help your business achieve its growth objectives more quickly and have working capital on a continuous basis, CAE Capital quickly advances the funds needed to complete your orders, contracts and work in progress.

Our flexible financing solutions are an essential complement to your company's working capital, without affecting your share capital (dilution).

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Advantageous Terms


With Purchase Order Financing, you can pay salaries, subcontractors and materials as soon as you obtain your contract.

Financing can reach up to 90% of the value of the contract or purchase orders before taxes.

Why do business
with CAE Capital?

  • Renewable Solution;
  • quick access to your funds before incurring expenses;
  • 10-DAY processing time;
  • no government loan guarantee is required;
  • negotiate better rates by paying your suppliers in advance;
  • minimize or even eliminate the use of expensive and dilutive financing;
  • allows you to negotiate discounts of 2% or 3% with suppliers for payment on receipt;

Our funds are available
when it really matters!

  • CAE Capital advances the funds to you when you have a contract or purchase order in hand and not after you have invoiced;
  • do not miss business opportunities, even international ones, due to a lack of liquidity;
  • maintain your line of credit for day-to-day transactions;
  • a flexible solution that adapts to the terms of your purchase order;
  • pay interest only for the life of the loan;
  • advantageous pricing and no hidden cost.
Who are our services aimed at?

Who are our services
aimed at?

  • Your business is less than a year old and has not yet completed a full cycle, but you have already made sales;
  • Your company is experiencing strong sales growth and your margin increase is slow or difficult to obtain;
  • Your company has a good history of profitability, but you have just had a bad year;
  • You are starting your marketing cycle;
  • Your activities are cyclical or seasonal or you do not respect traditional financial ratios with banks.

Apply for Financing

for your Tax Credits Fill out our form on line.
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Apply for Financing of Tax Credits

Fill out our form on line.
Apply for FinancingTalk to us

Quote André Goli

Edu-Performance is a technology development company that produces software, whose development cycle can be very long. Our clients are mostly corporate and government, and we often need to tailor our platforms to the custom needs of these organizations. This often causes a crucial cash imbalance, and we are happy to always be able to count on CAE Capital which, for 20 years, has always been there to support us. I would also like to highlight the extraordinary professionalism and kindness of its members, with whom it is always a pleasure to do business. And, whatever our problems, they are always there to find the solution that will allow us to move forward. Congratulations to the team at CAE Capital!

André Goli
President, Edu-Performance

Learn more

Tax Credits Financing

Tax Credits

Revolving Credit Line of Credit

Revolving Credit
Line of Credit

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